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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Low Cost Los Angeles Automobile Insurance -- Proven Steps

1. A car with a high safety rating will attract better LA California vehicle insurance rates than one with a poor rating all other things being equal. Safety ratings should be given more consideration when shopping for a new car. They will qualify you for a Safe Vehicle Discount. Your agent can give you a list of safety systems that will make you eligible for a discount with your insurance company.

2. Become part of a car pool if possible and you'll qualify for a discount. Using a carpool helps you reduce your mileage which is a strong indicator for computing your premium. You'll lower your rate in direct proportion to how much carpooling cuts down your total mileage.

3. You could save several hundreds of dollars by just receiving and evaluating quotes from at least five insurance quotes sites. And, it will require just about 25 minutes on the whole.

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