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Friday, August 21, 2009

Dirt Cheap Los Angeles California Automobile Insurance: Smart Tips

It's really very easy for you to buy the right LA car insurance coverage at a low price. All you have to do to achieve this feat are pieces of information (That is, if you use them). Let's look at a few proven ways to get better rates...

1. If you maintain collision and/or comprehensive for an old vehicle which isn't a classic, then you're spending much more than you should. A vehicle's Kelly Blue Book value at the time of filing claims (and not the value of the car when you bought it) is what determines what you will get paid by an insurer. This shows that without respect to the amount you've paid and for how long you did, you will get NOT even a cent if this book declares your car is not worth anything when you file a claim.

Therefore, do the right thing and drop these coverage types from your car insurance policy for all old vehicles. If you do this you'll make big savings.

2. You'll attract a better rate if you opt for high deductibles. The recommended choice is the highest you can provide with ease.

Just take note that this is what you'll have to contribute if you file a claim.

3. Your rate is seriously affected by your total mileage. Therefore do all within your power to NOT drive your vehicle wherever you have a good alternative. This is particularly true for people who stay in cities with modern mass transit systems.

Another great alternative for folks who want to reduce their mileage is joining a car pool.

4. You will save much if you really have between 25-30 minutes. Visit, obtain and compare Los Angeles auto insurance quotes from various quotes sites. The cheapest offer should be what you pick easily.

However, you have to go beyond just the lowest quote to the best price/value. The cheapest may not be the best price/value for you as a person.

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