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Friday, August 28, 2009

Los Angeles Car Insurance -- When Gender Is An Advantage

You might get a number of lawsuits if you tried to discriminate on the basis of gender in many matters. Auto insurance in LA California is an exception. However, it's men you get dealt the worse cards in auto insurance....

Most rough drivers are men. If someone is taking a risk in the name of "being too good to be caught by that," it is a male driver. Females, by their very nature, are not prone to being physically rough. Every family will naturally frown at lack of grace in their daughter. This helps reduce if not eliminate recklessness where such traits are seen.

Women average a lower mileage as a group since they are less likely to drive for long hours each day. A man is generally considered better at physical activites. And, they will always be the ones to drive if it's a long trip.

Ladies also drive smaller cars. These cost less to maintain. Furthermore, they'll also go for cars that have better safety features.

Insurers have built a database that show the behavior of various profiles and ladies have shown that they're a less risk to insure for car policies. However, some insurance companies will consider your gender more than others. What this means is that you will get better price/value from some insurers than others.

To get details on how insurance companies calculate your premium, check my other articles. I treated that extensively in one of them.

It is also vital that you read the fine lines and make sure you really ask questions about what is included in your policy.

Femles should look for special products that protects them further. An example of such products or add-ons is a breakdown cover. It often takes care of you if your vehicle breaks down. How far each insurer would go on this differs.

You can make huge savings in your car insurance despite your gender or circumstance...

All it takes is visiting at least 3 quotes sites and getting LA California car insurance quotes from them. All you have to do after that is pick the best quote from the lot. Just make sure you supply your correct details at all sites visited. Getting and comparing car insurance quotes from insurance quotes sites will guarantee that you save between a few hundred dollars to a few thousands (depending on your profile, policy and current car insurance premium).

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