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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Los Angeles Vehicle Insurance: 3 Tested Steps To Cheaper Rates

1. Drive carefully if you're really keen on getting lower LA auto insurance rates. Please, make sure you make it a personal principle to NOT drive if you so much as sip any alcoholic beverage.

Traffic offences that are associated to having more than the allowed amount of alcohol in your blood invariably make you pay unbearable rates. And don't ignore little things like speeding tickets because they cost you far more than the fine you pay. They add up to increase your rate. For your safety then and more affordable rates, never break any traffic law no matter how small you think it is.

2. You will reduce your auto insurance premium if you have an outstanding credit rating. Those who have bad credit pay higher rates for all forms of insurance and that is also true for auto insurance. This is because insurance carriers regard individuals who miss payments as reckless and a risk to them. It is normal for insurers to conclude that a person who misses credit card payments will also easily default in auto insurance premiums. Once you are seen as a higher risk you will get more expensive auto insurance premiums.

3. You can save a lot of money in auto insurance if you obtain and compare auto insurance quotes from quotes sites. You'll make savings if you go to just one quotes site. However, you will get better results by using at least five.

The simple logic in this is that you will obtain a greater number of auto insurance quotes from a wider range of insurers. This raises your chances of receiving better offers.

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