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Monday, August 31, 2009

Los Angeles California Car Insurance -- For Non Car Owners?

A Los Angeles California car insurance policy for non car owners? What for? Sit tight because you're in for a big surprise! Owning a auto insurance policy without having a car would be a wise decision in most situations to be discussed shortly.

You may not have a personal car for your daily movements since you live in advanced city with an efficient mass transit system. Car rental services are always ready to render services on those times you may need a car for special occassion.

Along with renting a vehicle, you will aslo have to get an auto insurance cover for the rent period. These rental service sell such car insurance policies. This may not really amount to so much if you hire a car once in a long while. The opposite is the case if you hire a car usually makes it more costly than buying a non-owner auto insurance policy.

Furthermore, your friends and sibblings will feel a lot more comfortable giving their cars to you if you want to borrow one. If you're a car owner, who would you take more responsible: The person who has a non-owner car insurance policy and the guy who doesn't? People like dealing with people who show that they're responsible.

Now, you need to understand something about a non-owner Los Angeles CA auto insurance policy. If an accident occurs, your non-owner's policy cannot take precedence over the car owner's policy. It functions only if the vehicle owner's policy's liability limit cannot cover the damages caused. To make this clearer...

Let's say that a damage of $27,000 is caused by you in a crash. If the auto owner's liability limit is $30,000, your insurance will not be touched. However, if in the same case, the owners liability limit is fifteen thousand dollars, your insurance will take care of the balance.

Now, if you're about to buy any kind of auto insurance policy, you need to take advantage of disparities in rates by various companies. It is very ethical and lawful and can save you up to one thousand dollars...

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