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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

California Automobile Insurance -- Steps That Will Enable You Save Massively

There are a good number of options open to everyone who plans to enjoy cheap insurance. Nevertheless, a number of them might put you at risk. This is, however, not the case with the options I'll share with you in this discourse as you'll save while you maintain adequate coverage....

1. Car owners who because of their level of knowledge retain either collision or comprehensive coverage or both for an old car that's NOT considered a classic are clearly paying a lot more than should. This is because you're reimbursed based on what is referred to the Kelly Blue Book value of your vehicle as at when you make a claim. So even if you have paid your premiums faithfully for several years but the Kelly Blue Book value shows your car has zero value, you will get a dime from the insurer and they will be totally on the good side of the law.

Do the wise thing and drop both from your vehicle insurance policy. You'll save much that way.

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2. Does a child on your policy not drive the car for a reasonable period? Then you deserve a discount for this. Take advantage of this if your kid is in college. While you should try, you must also note that this isn't one of several usual discounts that all insurers offer.

3. You might be able to lower your rate if you go through your California auto insurance policy every once in a while. Change is constant and happens without notice but then we must NOT still be paying for things that those changes have made unnecessary. How many people, for example, remember to drop their daughters from their car insurance policies the moment they get married?

Also, there are discounts you might have qualified for. There are also coverage types that you might have outgrown.

Therefore, don't fail to review your policy from time to time. Discovering even one thing that should be dropped your policy and dropping it will result in some savings.

Cheap California Auto Insurance

4. You'll be given cheaper premiums if you make your payments by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). This authorizes an insurance company to automatically withdraw your payments from your account at specified intervals. This brings down administrative costs like those involved in sending payment notices. An insurance carrier passes part of what they save to you by offering you a lower premium.

5. Insurers give give customers who have remained loyal a long term discount and accident forgiveness. Depending on the insurer, you'll be eligible for a discount of 5% once you've stayed with them for between three and five years.

Furthermore, if a long term policy holder files just one claim, most insurers will NOT raise their rates thereafter. These are all incentives for you to stay with them for as long as possible. The longer you stay, the more you'll save.

However, what you may save by switching to another insurer might far outweigh all the incentives you'll get depending on what your rates are and how much another insurer is ready to offer.

If your auto insurance premium is $2,500 and you are given a 5% discount when you maintain a policy with them for about 5 years you will pay $2,500 - (5% of $2,500 or $125) = $2,375.

But also know that your rates may be altered to reflect the effect of inflation. Within the course of these three years you might get an insurance provider who will give you the same auto insurance coverage or better for under $2,000. If this is true about you then you know it is wise for you to go for the more affordable offer right away and not wait for years to qualify for a discount that won't even save you as much.

you will almost always get lower rates if you take the time to shop right because there are hundreds of auto insurance companies around. You can only be sure if this is true for your profile when you get and compare quotes from a good number of auto insurance carriers to see where you'll gain more..

6. Your might be paying a lot more than you should because of some really unnecessary add-ons like towing. Do you know that your credit card company might have already given you towing as an extra benefit?

Even if yours does NOT add this kind of service, a dedicated towing service from a third party will serve you better and save you more than adding towing to your auto insurance policy.

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7. Running a business through the internet is a lot cheaper than a brick and mortar approach. By extension, insurance providers spend less online and therefore give a massive discount of about 15% for those who buy their policy online.

Therefore, as much as you can, buy your auto insurance policy online.

Do your utmost to present your details truthfully. Insurers are mandated by law to cancel any policy once they can prove that the policy holder gave false details.

If you choose to buy online, don't forget to do due diligence: Check with your state's department of insurance to ensure the company you're buying from is licensed to sell auto insurance in California. Don't also fail to check their rating.
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