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Monday, November 16, 2009

California Car Insurance -- Steps That Will Enable You Save Massively

There are many ways to cheaper but sufficient cover. But while many of them may save you some money, they could leave you with insufficient coverage. I don't usually recommend such ways as they defeat the main purpose of insurance in the first place. Bearing this in mind, I will only show you tips that will also have you well covered despite saving you much...

1. If you maintain collision and/or comprehensive for an old car which isn't a classic, then you're paying a lot more than is necessary. Your car's Kelly Blue Book value at point of making claims (and not the value of the car when you bought it) is what controls what you will get paid by your California insurer. This shows that not minding how much you spen on premiums and the number of years you did, you may get absolutely nothing if the book declares the car is not worth anything when you make a claim.

Do the smart thing and remove both from your vehicle insurance policy. You'll save much if you do this.

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2. Several California insurance companies will hand you a discount if a child on your policy gets into college and doesn't use the car within that time frame. Don't miss this if your kid is away at school. While you're encouraged to try, you must bear in mind that this is not one of several typical discounts that all insurance providers give.

3. You might be able to bring down your rate if you take time to review your California auto insurance policy periodically. It's sad to note that a lot of folks are still paying for coverage points they needed some time in the past but no longer make sense at the moment. A good instance is a situation where someone leaves their wedded daughter on their policy for for an unbelievable length of time just because they forgot.

Do you know that you might now be eligible for some discounts due to certain changes in your life? You might as well have "outgrown" the need for some coverage types.

It would, therefore, help you a lot if you revisit your auto insurance policy up to twice yearly. Spotting albeit one thing that should be dropped your policy and removing it will help you save.

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4. You'll attract lower premiums if you pay by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). This authorizes an insurance carrier to automatically withdraw your payments from your account at specified intervals. This saves your insurer in many ways including removing the cost of mailing payment notices and the expense associated with processing checks. The insurance carrier passes part of what they save to you by bringing down your premium.

5. You'll save by being loyal to an insurer due to the long term discount and accident forgiveness which they give to long-standing policy holders. Most insurers will give you a discount of about 5% if you stay with them for up to five years (some will give you once you stay for up to three.

Furthermore, if a long term policy holder files just one claim, most insurers will NOT raise their rates thereafter. It makes sense for the insurer as it is cheaper to give discounts to existing policy holders than to acquire new ones.

But it will only be right for me to also point out that in spite of these incentives, you might actually gain more if you switch to another insurer.

let'ssay, for example, that you are given a five percent (or $125) discount after your third year with an insurance company where you present auto insurance rate is $2,500.

But because of inflation, insurers may have to make adjustments in their rates to show such changes. But while you are at it, some other insurer might be prepared to give you a rate of $2,000 or less at the moment. Then it won't be wise to stay put because you want to qualify for a discount down the road even if the expected discount is less than savings you'll get now if you change to another insurer.

Moreover, in most cases, most folks can actually pay a lot less than they are currentl on auto insurance if they shop right.. Since the process of obtaining and comparing auto insurance quotes takes just minutes, I'll wonder why you will not do that now and get lower auto insurance rates right away.

6. Add-ons like towing raise your premium without giving you as much value as using a towing service. By the way, your credit card might already offer this as a benefit so check.

Even if this is not the case with your credit card company, you'll still get better service and save more if you exclude towing from your policy and you a dedicated towing company instead.

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7. The internet makes the cost of doing business low. Compared to buying offline from a brick and mortar business, you'll save up to 15% if you buy your auto insurance policy online.

If you'll save 15% for buying online then it's certainly highly advisable.

But do ensure you do NOT present false information. Insurers are mandated by law to cancel any policy once they can prove that the policy holder gave false details.

Don't also forget to confirm your preferred insurer's rating and standing with California's Department of Insurance an other financial rating institutions.
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