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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Seven Sure-Fire Tips For Cheap Los Angeles Auto Insurance

It doesn't normally take implementing a hundred tips to realize massive discounts while enjoying adequate Los Angeles auto insurance coverage. It's generally little things that bring about massive discounts. Following are several tips that will help you achieve that goal...

1. Make sure your car is always parked in a safe place. Is there a risk of theft, vandalism or accidental damage where you park your car? Then look for a better place as doing otherwise might lead to a claim that will eventually increase your rate. Furthermore, you might even get discounts with your insurer if you show that you have a good garage.

Don't forget to always park your car in a well lit area when you're out. This is because thieves avoid well-lit areas but love operating in the dark. .And for no reason should you leave your car in the open street for a whole night.

Insurance Quotes

2. Many LA insurance carriers give a retiree discount. You'll certainly NOT drive as much as you used to do once you retire. A driver's annual mileage is a big point which influences what is paid in premiums. So anything that lowers your annual mileage count by a big margin should cut down your rate.

This savings option is definitely not one any retired person should ignore. So it is a good thing to ask your agent. If for any reason they don't have a discount like this, remember to tell your insurance agent about the change in your mileage. You are entitled to a lower rate if the decrease in mileage is big.

3. There are useful extras and there are those that do nothing but just inflate your rate. A good example of the later is adding a towing service to your policy. Have you checked to see if your credit card doesn't already offer this as added value?

Even if this is not the case with your credit card company, you'll still get better service and save more if you exclude towing from your policy and you a dedicated towing company instead.

4. You'll get cheaper rates if your vehicle is considered to have a higher safety rating. Does your vehicle have built-in safety features? They will qualify you for a Safe Car Discount. Your agent can give you a list of features that will get you a discount with your insurance carrier.

Budget Car Insurance

5. Defensive driving or any other special driving program approved by your insurer will get you discounts. The reason is simple: Defensive drivers are trained to drive safer. This is particularly important for high risk profiles. If you consider the huge discount this will result in, a young driver will definitely save thousands in premium dollars in just a few years. The savings involved should make any sacrifice you make to go through such a program well worth it. When you get certified, let your agent know and insist on your discount -- You've earned it.

6. Getting married will bring down your rate by a huge margin. Insurers have statistical data that show that people are less reckless and much more careful on the road when they get married. Insurers will tell you that their records show that married people make fewer claims. Furthermore, when they do make those claims, they usually cost less on the average than those married by their unmarried counterparts.

7. A lot of folks have lost their cars in the short seconds that they took to dash inside to get something while leaving their cars running and unlocked. Don't make this mistake. This is an open invitation to any thief sniffing around. Every thief checks how easy a target is before making a move. An unlocked car with the engine running? What could be easier?

Car Insurance For Woman

An extra tip...

You will save much if you really have between 25-30 minutes. Visit, get and compare LA auto insurance quotes from several quotes sites. The lowest offer should be what you go for easily.

But, you have to look beyond just the lowest price to the best price/value. The lowest priced may not offer the best price/value for you as a person.
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