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Saturday, November 7, 2009

California Automobile Insurance -- Tips That Will Enable You Save Much

There are a number of ways to more affordable but adequate coverage. However, some of them might leave you slightly compromised. I don't usually recommend such options because they make nonsense of the main purpose of insurance in the first place. Bearing this in mind, I will only give you options that will as well have you well covered in spite of saving you much...

1. Car owners who because of their level of knowledge keep either collision or comprehensive coverage or both for an old car that isn't classified as a classic are simply paying much more than should. This is because you're reimbursed based on what is known as the Kelly Blue Book value of your car as at when you make a claim. This means that without respect to how much you paid and for how long you did, you will get absolutely nothing if that book shows your vehicle is worth nothing when you make a claim.

So, do the right thing and remove these coverage types from your car insurance policy for all old cars. You'll save much if you do this.

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2. Does a child on your policy not drive the car for a considerable length of time? Then you can get a discount for this. If this applies to your kid in school then don't forget to tell your agent about it. I must point out, however, that some insurance carriers don't give this discount.

3. You might reduce your rate if you re-evaluate your California auto insurance policy every once in a while. Change is unavoidable and occurs without notice but then we mustn't still bear the cost for matters that these changes have made unnecessary. How many people, for instance, remember to drop their daughters from their auto insurance policies the moment they get married?

The changes in your personal details might have qualified you for particular discounts. You might as well have no more use for certain coverage types.

Review your policy at least once a year. Discovering even one thing that you no longer need on your auto insurance policy and removing it will save you something reasonable.

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4. Electronic Funds Transfer (abbreviated as EFT) is an easy way to lower your premium. This authorizes your bank to credit your insurance provider with your payments without any intervention from you until you stipulate otherwise. This removes administrative costs like those incurred when mailing payment notices. An insurance provider gives you part of what they save by offering you a lower premium.

5. Insurers give give customers who have remained loyal a long term discount and accident forgiveness. Most insurers will give you a discount of about 5% if you stay with them for up to five years (some will give you once you stay for up to three.

Furthermore, if a long term policy holder files just one claim, most insurers will NOT raise their rates thereafter. Insurers offer these as incentives to keep you with them since it serves them better too.

Just bear in mind that some people will be better off if they switched to another insurer notwithstanding the many discounts given to long term policy holders.

Supposing your auto insurance premium with your present insurance provider is $2,500 you will get a discount of about 5 percent or $125 if you maintain your policy with them from three years and above.

But we can almost say with some assurance that due to inflation your rate would most likely not remain the same. But while you are at it, an insurer somewhere could be willing to give you a rate of $2,000 or less at the moment. If this is true about you then you know it is ideal for you to go for the more affordable offer immediately and not wait for years to qualify for a discount that will not even save you as much.

You'll most likely pay less if you make out time to shop right because there are hundreds of auto insurance companies available. Considering that the process of obtaining and comparing auto insurance quotes involves just minutes, I'll wonder why you won't do that now and get more affordable auto insurance rates straight away.

6. Add-ons like towing raise your premium without giving you as much value as using a towing service. Do you know that your credit card company might have already given you towing as an extra benefit?

Even if this is not the case with your credit card company, you'll still get better service and save more if you exclude towing from your policy and you a dedicated towing company instead.

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7. The internet makes the cost of doing business low. By extension, insurance providers spend less online and therefore give a massive discount of about 15% for those who buy their policy online.

This makes it obvious that you'll save a lot more if you buy online.

Do your utmost to present your details truthfully. Insurers are mandated by law to cancel any policy once they can prove that the policy holder gave false details.

Furthermore, verify from California's Department of Insurance that they you're buying from a reputable company that's licensed to sell this policy.
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1 comment:

  1. Make sure you check out all the discounts available, such as multi-policy discounts, good student discounts, etc.

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