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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Car Insurance -- Clarifying It

Car insurance is a contract between you and the insurance company. If your car meets with an accident, you will be eligible for compensation for the losses under the contract. Paying the premium is your obligation under the contract.

Property, liability and medical coverage are all covered by car insurance. Property coverage pays for damage to or theft of your car. If you car causes bodily injury or property damage, the liability coverage pays for your legal responsibility.

The cost of treating injuries, rehabilitation and sometimes lost wages and funeral expenses are taken care of by the medical coverage.

Majority of the car insurance policies are valid for six months to a year. The policy must be renewed on expiration.

All states require you to have some form of car insurance if you own or operate a car.

Insurance Quotes

The penalty for driving a car without insurance varies from state to state. Some states impound your car. There are heavy fines in some states. If your car is involved in an accident without insurance, the consequences can be serious. You will be financially responsible for paying for any injuries or damages out of your own pocket.

Your credit history, the age and type of your car are also vital factors in determining the rate you have to pay for car insurance.

As the owner of a car, you are responsible for providing insurance for the car, no matter who is operating the car. Your car will be operating illegally if it does not have insurance.

Finally, a few savings tips...

1. Marriage is something that will do your auto insurance rates a world of good. This is true even though you can't just go off to marry just because of this. Insurers have statistical data that show that people are less reckless and much more careful on the road when they get married. Furthermore, as a group, their claims are usually less both in number and average cost per claim.

Car Insurance For Woman

2. "Pimping your ride" does NOT help if you want lower rates. Doing such reduces your car's safety and, therefore, warrants higher rates as far as the insurer is concerned. Any changes to your vehicle takes your rates up.

3. It's easy to save a few hundred dollars on a home but lose thousands over the years on auto insurance because of its location. Also note that a neighbor not too far away might fall under a lower crime zone than you -- This affects rates.

So check with your agent before you commit to a new home. This doesn't come readily to mind when you're shopping for a new home. Does it?

Remember, you might live in this home for up to 20 years or more. If its location makes you pay up to $200 more in premium, that will add up to $4,000 within that time frame.

4. Never leave your car unlocked and running while you dash in to get something. This simple act makes it very easy for thieves. Every thief checks how easy a target is before making a move. And what could be easier than a car that's ready to be driven away -- It takes just seconds.

Car Insurance For Woman

5. A good alternative for you is to use your parents' auto insurance policy. Your parents certainly belong to a better risk age group.

You must remember that the car must be registered in their name and you must be living with them if you want to use this option. If you want to own your car, then be the big boy or girl and also own the costly rates. Sorry, you can't have both with this alternative. However, you can still make massive savings by clicking the link at the end of this piece.

6. Visit not less than five quotes sites. Visiting a minimum of five quotes sites raise the chances that you would obtain more affordable auto insurance quotes. This is because insurers not covered by one site would be represented by another.

Moreover, you should understand that because the likelihood of receiving lower auto insurance quotes is proportional the range of quotes you obtain, the more insurers you receive quotes from, the better your chances will be.

Getting your California auto insurance quotes online will help you save much more if you invest just 25 minutes to ask for quotes from not less than five insurance quotes sites.
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