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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Los Angeles Automobile Insurance Quotes -- To Save Massively, Try These

We all want a very cheap Los Angeles car insurance rate provided it comes with sufficient coverage. But in what ways can this be achieved? Let's explore some proven steps to getting just that...

1. Certain vehicles are very expensive to insure. Therefore, as you look out for the wonderful specs of the car you want to buy, don't forget to ask how much it typically costs to insure. Two things that will force you to pay more are a car's crash rating and theft rate.

Another thing to take into consideration is the cost of maintaining a car because it is as well an issue that determines your premium. This is my personal opinion; but it does make sense to buy a comparable vehicle that is more insurance-friendly.

Insurance Quotes

2. A vehicle with a high safety rating will make you eligible for lower rates than another with a lower rating all other things being the same. Safety ratings should be given more consideration when buying a new vehicle. They will make you eligible for a Safe Car Discount. For more details on these and how much you can save by fixing them, consult your agent.

3. It's a known fact that young drivers attract high rates. More so, the younger an under-25 driver, the more they'd have to pay. That is why teenagers pay a lot more than 22-year olds.

This means that you'll help keep your rates down if you do NOT have a teen driver on your policy. It will drive it up by a huge margin. Your teen driver should have his/her own policy. This will be made possible if you sign an exclusion form.

If a teen is keen on driving then then should be made responsible for at least the cost of their Los Angeles auto insurance. An addition argument in favor of this is that your teen will be more willing to take measures to reduce what he or she pays. The full implication of this is that your teen will be a lot safer as they'd do their best to avoid inflating their rates.

Auto Insurance Quotes

4. The longer you stick with the same insurer the more you stand to gain for two reasons: The long term discount and accident forgiveness. Most insurers will give you a discount of about 5% if you stay with them for up to five years (some will give you once you stay for up to three.

Most insurers will also not raise the rates of a long standing policy holder if they make only just one claim. It makes sense for the insurer as it is cheaper to give discounts to existing policy holders than to acquire new ones. The longer you stay, the more you'll save.

However, what you may save by switching to another insurer might far outweigh all the incentives you'll get depending on what your rates are and how much another insurer is ready to offer.

Assuming your auto insurance rate is $2,500 and you get a 5 percent discount when you maintain a policy with them for about five years you'll pay $2,500 - (5% of $2,500 or $125) = $2,375.

However, bear in mind that your rates may be altered to reflect the effect of inflation. But while you're at it, some other insurer may be willing to give you a rate of $2,000 or less at the moment. Then it would be anything but wisdom to stay put because you want to become eligible for a discount down the road knowing that the expected discount is less than savings you'll get now if you switch.

It's a sure fact that most people can pay far less with another insurance company if they'll only take the time to shop right.. Since the process of getting and comparing auto insurance quotes involves just minutes, I will wonder why you will not do that now and get cheaper auto insurance rates straight away.

5. There are programs that are designed to make you a better driver. Participate in them. In addition to making you a better driver, they will make you eligible for a discount with your insurer provided such a class is one they approve.

6. Before you get carried away with the few hundreds you will save on a house, check if it will not cost you much more in auto insurance. Homes in the same neighborhood may fall under different risk zones as far as your insurer is concerned.

So check with your agent before you commit to a new home. The truth is that most people don't think about this when they are about buying a home.

Remember, you might live in this home for up to 20 years or more. If its location makes you pay up to $200 more in premium, that will add up to $4,000 within that time frame.

Car Insurance For Woman

7. As an under twenty five, you can pay lower Los Angeles car insurance rates if you use your parents' policy. If you're of driving age, then your parents certainly are far above 25 years which means they are better risk drivers.

To take advantage of this though, you'll have to live with your parents and also have the vehicle registered in their name. This means that by law they own the vehicle. If the benefits of "independence" outweigh your car insurance savings then this is definitely not an option for you.

8. You will save much if you really have between 25-30 minutes. Visit, obtain and compare Los Angeles auto insurance quotes from various quotes sites. The lowest offer should be your choice easily.

But, you have to look beyond just the cheapest quote to the best price/value. The lowest priced may not offer the best price/value for you as an individual.
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