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Sunday, October 18, 2009

LA Automobile Insurance -- 7 Steps For Lower Rates

You will easily pay less for sufficient coverage if you have and use the right tips. It's equally necessary that I stress that there are steps that might put you at risk even if they save you for now. I will, nevertheless, only give tips that will help you save much while you still keep enjoying sufficient coverage...

1. There is something called the "good driver discount." This for policyholders who haven't made a claim for 3 years and more. But take note that not all providers offer this discount.

Your agent should be made to see your dissatisfaction with their refusal to offer you such a discount and do NOT forget to point out that you will possibly leave for a different insurer. Really, you should leave them because you'll almost always find a better deal with another company if you've kept a claims-free status for this long.

But more often than not a serious threat of leaving from you will be enough to make them give a concession.

Insurance Quotes

2. Your rate is seriously affected by your annual mileage. Therefore do all you can to leave your vehicle wherever there is a good option. This applies more to those whose occupation and place of residence make it easy for them to use public mass transit networks.

You can equally bring down your mileage by carpooling.

3. Retired persons are offered a special discount by several Los Angeles insurance providers. The plain logic for this discount is that retirees normally drive less. Driving less will lead to lower mileage which definitely makes you a better risk.

This savings option is definitely not one any retired person should pass on. Do find out the finer points from your agent. Even if they don't call it a retiree discount, registering a remarkable decrease in mileage is advisable. You deserve a reduction in rate if the drop in your mileage is considerable.

Affordable Auto Insurance

4. Features like automatic gas cut-off, alarms and other theft-deterrent devices are recommended. Since they reduce the likelihood of your car being stolen, they result in a considerable discount. Thieving rats will think twice before trying to go for a car with theft-deterrent mechanisms.

5. You will pay far more on auto insurance if you live in Los Angeles than you would if you resided in some rural area. If you can make your residence in a rural area you'll attract the lower rates since the risk of vandalism, crash or theft is really low in such localities.

6. Ensure your LA car insurance policy is not allowed to lapse for any reason.. It will sentence you to high premiums for a considerable length of time. This happens to some individuals while they are switching to another insurance company.

Don't terminate your previous policy until the new one is fully operational and you'll avoid this costly mistake. Many people are paying higher rates than they should just because they made this mistake. So do take care so you don't become one of them.

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7. Do you know that you might be losing money if you have a car that you've not used for months? Is one of your cars been covered in the garage for up to six months because it's broken? Have you removed it from your auto insurance policy?

The painful reality is that more people than you could imagine are paying higher rates than they should because of such negligence. If you made this kind of mistake then you can save yourself a lot of bucks by quickly removing an unused car or cars from your policy.

8. You will save a lot if you really have between 25-30 minutes. Visit, obtain and compare Los Angeles auto insurance quotes from various insurance quotes sites. The cheapest offer should be your choice easily.

However, you have to look beyond just the cheapest quote to the best price/value. The lowest priced may not be the best price/value for you as an individual.
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